Kitchen remodeling is a great solution to upgrade your living space, allowing your home to grow with you over the years and stay modern. It can also add value to your home, so if you foresee moving at some point it’s a solid investment.

One of our recent kitchen remodeling projects is at the Winning residence. It’s a good example of a typical remodel: new counter tops, cabinets, kitchen island, etc.

These are some before shots to demonstrate what the kitchen looked like before our work began:

And then, the after shots:

Beautiful kitchen remodel with marble countertops, after shot
Kitchen remodel after shot featuring island and hanging lights

What a stunning difference, yeah?

Everything ended up with a significantly more modern look, from the floor paneling to the countertops, cabinets, and lighting. Ceiling lights allow for far better coverage of the whole kitchen area, and the additional hanging lights over the island are great for entertaining and eating.

Not to mention, the hanging microwave frees up valuable counter space, whereas before it felt a bit cramped trying to fit things like that on the counters.

And with counter tops like this, who wouldn’t want to show them off?