When we come out to a home or a commercial building, we can usually tell in 15 minutes of walking around and looking at everything what will be involved in the project. Between the potential client’s vision and our careful observations, we can typically give a cost range for the project to begin making plans upon.

From there we enter the pre-construction agreement with the client, which includes all the fine-tuned planning where costs and other pertinent bits of info become specific rather than broad.

This planning phase essentially creates the blueprint to complete the whole project. It’s everything that a competent builder/remodeler needs to do it right.

At the conclusion of this planning, the client has a choice:

  • They can take the plans and bring them to another remodeling company if they wish, having paid us only for the pre-construction fees for the planning process.
  • They can have us move forward with completing the project, working from our own plans. If they choose this, our fees for the plans are rolled into the total project fee.

Quite often folks opt for the second choice, not simply because of the rapport we build with them throughout the pre-construction planning, but because it means the planning fees created are applied toward the project itself. If they brought the plans elsewhere, they would not.

Over years of trial and error we’ve found this to be an ideal offering for our clients.

It means our time is properly covered for creating the detailed plans whether a homeowner works with us beyond that point or not, but also provides useful incentives for that client and everyone begins the remodel feeling good about it.

Call us today to schedule a consult for your next remodel project — we’ll review costs and can optionally help create a plan of action for you so you’ll know exactly which steps to take and what your options are.
