Simply put, insurance companies make their money by not paying out claims. When they must pay out, our experience has been that they often try to pay as little as possible to the homeowner.

Even when that amount is less than what the State Insurance Commissioner would agree is fair. Or when it’s not an amount that would allow the homeowner to adequately make repairs.

While it’s not a specific service that most home remodeling contractors would offer, it is something that has become relevant for us quite a few times while talking with homeowners we’ve worked with. Our knowledge of the industry and general experience with calling out unscrupulous practices means this comes with the territory.

And we’ve had some real success helping homeowners obtain more money from their claims.

In one recent example, the insurance company’s claims adjuster initially offered the homeowner $35,000 to make significant repairs to home damage. The homeowner was upset because that would not adequately cover the damages without cutting serious corners, but the claims adjuster was adamant.

Once we got involved and advocated on the homeowner’s behalf, and threatened to take the issue to the State Insurance Commissioner, they changed their tone considerably.

Their offer jumped all the way up to $69,000.

Something like this isn’t a standalone service we would offer, but is certainly an added value we provide to anyone we’re working with on repairs who needs help getting what they deserve. We don’t like to get jerked around in our business, either, and feel for the homeowners who don’t always know what their options are.

Have some home damage that requires a skilled contractor? Call us today to review your situation.
