Our Blog At A-1 Renovation

Local Construction News: $262 Million UPS Facility Coming to Mebane, NC
In September 2020, Mebane City Council officially signed off for UPS to build 525,000-square-foot facility in their town. The facility will be worth over $262 million. What are the details of the UPS Mebane deal? This cutting-edge facility will be able to process...

Commercial Renovation: Green Roofing Solutions are an Investment In The Future
The world of construction is changing swiftly. Concerns about the environment continue to escalate, and construction companies are responding by bolstering their sustainable product options. "Green" construction products that decrease emissions and mitigate energy...

Commercial Renovation: Tech Innovations and Automations for Construction Sites
Construction sites are notoriously dominated by bulky equipment and noisy diesel engines. Building construction and operations were, globally, responsible for 36% of final energy use in 2018. In fact, construction emissions hit 9.7 metric gigatons of carbon dioxide in...

Home Remodeling: What Winston Salem Homeowners Should Know in 2021
Home remodels in the Winston Salem area are still going strong each week as we enter 2021, but there have been some changes in the last year because of the pandemic. In this post we'll highlight the most pertinent ones for homeowners planning a remodel project for...

Local Construction News: North Carolina Construction Safety Workshops Regarding COVID-19
North Carolina's new "Safety First" statewide campaign aims to inform employers and workers in the construction industry about the latest safety guidelines concerning COVID-19. The aim is primarily to prevent the spread of the virus on construction sites. Closing...

Home Remodeling: Living Room Remodels For Holidays and Working From Home
People are spending a lot more time at home than years past, in many cases even working each day from their living room. While a "work from home" space used to be the domain of the freelancer, this year we've seen the expansion of remote work in all career fields. And...