Our Blog At A-1 Renovation

Types of Bathroom Upfits

Types of Bathroom Upfits

Some home remodel projects involve getting that living room you've always wanted, one that the home wasn't set up like when you first purchased it. Maybe you've accepted it for many years, but eventually found yourself in a place where changes made sense. But when it...

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Our Big 64-Location Grocery Chain Project – Upcoming

In this line of work we don't generally drop names of companies we've worked with (often at their request), but we are excited that a well known grocery chain we've done some electrical and lighting work with before has asked us to sign on for a much bigger project....

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What We’ve Seen With Local Commercial Construction Jobs

What We’ve Seen With Local Commercial Construction Jobs

Quite a few of our more recent commercial construction jobs involved joining the process mid-job. In those cases, the client company had begun work with their own crews or with other construction contractors. Sometimes it was a concern of snags preventing things from...

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Benefits of Commercial Contracting

A few years ago when you first opened the doors to your business you probably loved the way your office building looked. However, over time you might have noticed some overgrown trees or plants, corrosion, or maybe you just want a new look.  We work with a...

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Home Remodeling Ideas: Exterior Stone Work

Home Remodeling Ideas: Exterior Stone Work

Here's another great home remodeling idea for homeowners: adding stone work on the exteriors of your home for a sharper look. Home Advisor says that studies show exterior stone work is one of the fastest ways to add value to your home — more so than many other...

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A-1 Renovation

3264 Robinhood Rd
Winston-Salem, NC 27106

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