We remodel medical offices of all kinds, and chiropractic offices are a significant piece of that given the prevalent need for those services in the Winston-Salem community.

Renovating A Generic Office Space for A Chiropractor’s Needs

This category of upfits is a specialty of ours, and there’s a lot of need for it right now. If you’re in this boat, rest assured that this is not an unusual ask.

There’s a lot of business office space available, but most of it is pretty generic to suit any business. We say any business, but of course medical and therapeutic offices like yours have extra considerations. Those start with insulation an audible privacy and go as far as specialized HVAC systems, climate controls, and advanced electrical needs.

But sometimes you also need to change or remove walls, enlarge doorways, or convert room types. Maybe you need an old break room to become a bathroom, for instance, or change the shape of a given room to best suit your chiropractic modalities.

We can help you create the game plan to make that happen, obtain any permits that may be needed, and then execute the plan.

Our eye for detail has helped us create highly strategic plans for remodels and construction projects, and avoid snags that prevent finishing on time.

If You’re A Chiropractor That Needs To Renovate An Active/Existing Office

It’s one thing to be transitioning your chiropractic office where you can prepare the new space ahead of time. But if you like where you’re at and know that the space could work for years to come with some adjustments, you’ve probably wondered how that would work.

How long would it take, and would you have to close your office until it’s finished?

We’ve also worked with large financial institutions in the past that had this concern as much as any business. And they had to address privacy and client data remaining secure all while walls were rebuilt.

It can be done.

Let us lend our extensive experience to your next project. Whether it’s re-configuring rooms or upgrading HVAC or electric, we can transform your chiropractic office into the ideal office for you to build your business.
