Our Blog At A-1 Renovation
Installing a Kitchen Island – Winston Salem Projects
Kitchen islands are great for giving your cooking area a more personalized feel. They're also great for entertaining, too, because in many designs they allow you to face your guests while preparing food. If your family often cooks together, such that you have multiple...

What Are Examples of Residential Renovation & Remodeling?
These two terms are used pretty interchangeably in the industry. Two makes sense of the examples we'll give further into this post, we'll begin by defining what each one means. Residential renovation means work that restores old, worn out, or damaged areas of your...

Warm Weather – Pressure Washing Time!
How does pressure washing factor in? Drive through any neighborhood and you'll see spring cleaning at play. Not to mention this is a popular time of year to move, and you've got a lot of people going through their things and trying for a new look. But just as often as...
Common Types of Commercial Renovation Projects
"Commercial renovation" is a pretty broad term, and it's not always clear what that means. Beyond saying upfits and restorations for commercial buildings, we thought we'd share some common examples of what these type of renovation projects look like. The Mall Tenant...

Lyndhurst Partners Project in Winston Salem, NC
Our renovation project at Lyndhurst is another good example of commercial work that restores a building's look and function. We provided the materials, labor, and equipment for the job in the estimate — and even included an addendum to cover window frames and...
Tenant Upfits for Malls
Retail business is a tougher industry than ever before these days with the prevalence of online merchants. Folks still head out to malls for the atmosphere and the experience, though, which is the best way to leverage shoppers. When it comes to creating an experience,...